Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Witch Comes Out at Night

Standing at the threshold of the wooded land before me. An eeriness comes over me. While I've visited these woods many times, and have established a relationship with the land spirits that call it home, there is such quiet in the night air. It feels darker than usual and full of mystery. After contemplating my purpose and making myself known at the threshold, as is my custom; I step into the woods and leave the mundane world behind me. I carry no wand nor stang. In my left hand I hold my stroking stone and in my right, a string of twine. 
As I journey into the wood, I began chanting my incantations, calling the attention of my spirit allies. I cannot reach the circle of trees where I usually go, as the ground is still too wet from the early spring rains. Walking on, I reach another area where my spell will begin. I take a moment to look all around. Making myself aware of my environment, I hear only the shuffling of leaves and branches from a nearby raccoon scurrying away. 
I look up and admire the design of the intertwined tree branches against the night sky. 
Slowly I begin walking in a circular fashion, spitting out chants and conjuring a space in which to work my magick. Feeling myself pull into the earth, I feel as though I become one with the land below me. Continuing my motion, all the while stroking the stone in my left hand in a circular fashion. Focusing my intentions, I take the twine and begin the nine knot spell. I make the first knot, "By knot of one, my spells begun". Then the second, "By knot of two, it cometh true". So on I go, until I have my nine knots, all holding my will and desire.  Bringing the rite to a close and thanking my allies, I then take my twine and carefully wrap it on the branch of a nearby tree. I decide to leave it here so that it can do it's work. Taking careful note of where I am, I will go back and remove the twine on the third day of the full moon, and replace it with offerings. 
I make my way out of the woods and venture back to the mundane world. Leaving behind the world of the witch. The place of secret and mystery. Until next time, when I shall come bearing gifts of barley, and honey, and libations. 

Blessed be. 

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