Saturday, May 31, 2014

The "Monkey On Your Back" Binding Spell

A few days ago I read a post from a friend in my twitter feed in which I saw as a possible omen for the individual.  The comment in question was in regards to a child's nonchalant mentioning of a dead monkey that was waving it's hand in the bathroom.  Now this could simply be a small child's active imagination or silly talk.  But when I read it, it struck a cord with me as a possible omen.  That inevitable "monkey on your back" issue that was at one time cast away, now trying to rear its ugly head and make a stronghold once more.  I commented my thoughts on the issue and this seemed to resonate with her, so my advice was to "get a little stuffed monkey doll and lock that bitch in a mirror box."

This has been continuously on my mind since the conversation occurred, and I have been thinking how we can all have those issues in our life which can occasionally arise.  Now I have no idea what the particular "monkey" might have been from the twitter conversation above, and the remainder of this post is in no way affiliated with her particular issue.  But rather it serves as an inspiration for how I might handle such a situation.  Hopefully this bewitching advise may serve as a help to you, dear reader, at some point if you should find yourself in a similar situation.

We've probably all been there.  If you haven't yet, it's a possibility that you will.  An old habit or addiction, an ex lover, or perhaps an unspoken issue from the past.  Or maybe even an unseen negative force that has attempted to influence a part of your life.  Regardless of what it is, sometimes things just show up in our lives that we thought had been put to rest.  If such a situation should happen to you, or you would like to put a stop to it before it does, below is an idea for some spellwork that may be of help.  Now I will give my disclaimer that some sort of divination is advised prior to doing such work; as to give you indication if this would be the appropriate needed work and what the probable outcome would be.

For general purposes I'm just going to use the following fictional example situation....

I received this "monkey on my back" omen, and after doing some divination work I came to the conclusion that an ex lover who was abusive and had made threats against my family was going to be making trouble again.  So I do some fishing for confirmation and find out that as of last week he has moved back into town and has begun making contact with a mutual acquaintance.

Here is a list of the items I'm going to use:
Stuffed Animal Monkey
Small wooden box (obtained at a craft store)
At least 2 mirrors that will fit inside box
Binding herbs (Devils Shoestring, Wormwood, Mullein)
Representation of issue or person (picture)
4 Blackthorn spikes
Coffin nails (9 or 13 is best)
2 pieces of black cord
Commanding oil

Now I'm not very "crafty" when it comes to sewing, so my first step is to do a little shopping around and find a small stuffed monkey doll.  This doll is going to represent the impending trouble, or in my case the ex lover.  While I'm out shopping I'm going to go to the craft store and find a small wooden box that the doll (along with a few other items) will fit in.  In addition to the box, I need some mirrors that I will glue to the box, thus creating a "mirror box".  The idea behind the mirror box is that the mirrors will reflect back any negativity being sent your way and will block it.  Now if this was being a work of protection, for example, I would be putting the mirrors on the outside of the box and putting a proxy of what I was trying to protect inside.  But since this is more of a binding box, I'm going to glue the mirrors to the inside of the box.  I'll just get two mirrors, that will be sufficient.  One will be glued to the inside bottom of the box, or rather the "floor" and the other will be on the top or the "ceiling".  (I should make mention here, some believe when working with mirrors like this, that you should not look at your own reflection in the mirror being worked.)

Now for the remaining items on my list, I already have them stored away in my conjure supplies or "little cabinet of horrors" if we want to give it a fun name.  Once I arrive home and affix the mirrors to the box, I will set that aside.  And now time for the real work to begin.  I need some personal items of representation to add to the monkey to build a connection to the ex.  If I had just been dealing with an addiction for example, I could just write out the addiction or even use a picture or something to represent.  Since this is actually a person, some personal belongings would really be best.  Since I don't have any of his fingernail clippings, hair, clothing, or even fluids, I'll have to improvise.  Digging through old albums in my garage, I find an old pic of him.  That will work just fine.  On the back of the picture I write his name repeatedly while I focus all my attention on establishing a link with him.  Next I'm going to burn the picture to ash.  (If you wanted, you could just fold it up, but I prefer to burn it and work with the ash).  I make a small slit over the heart of the monkey and stuff the ash inside.  Now holding the monkey directly in front of my face, I speak to it in a forceful tone so that my breath touches the doll.  "You are no longer just a monkey, but I baptize you as 'John Doe' and you are 'John Doe' forevermore.  I bind you from bringing any harm to myself and to my family, and as I will this so shall it be in the name and by the blood of my ancestors!"  (Feel free to exchange the use of ancestors for whatever higher power, name, or self will that you work with).

Next I take the 4 blackthorn spikes and I'm going to use 2 on the front and 2 on the back, making 2 "X's" around the doll.  (May need to use a little glue to get them to stay in place, or get creative with the cord).  Using one of the black cords, I'm going to wrap these blackthorn spikes around the doll to bind him.  I should back up and indicate that prior to wrapping, I anoint both cords with a commanding oil.  (If you have another oil for binding that you prefer, use it.  This is just what I have on hand and it will get the job done).  I should make mention here, that I used the blackthorn tied around him, rather than driving it through him because this is a binding.  I'm not trying to curse or bring harm to him, just keep him from interfering with my life.

Once the monkey is bound, I place him inside the mirror box. I'm then going to take my binding herb mixture that I have already spoken my request to, and I'm going to sprinkle a good bit of those herbs inside the box over and all around the doll.  I'm using Wormwood, Mullein, and a bit of Devils Shoestring because it is what I have on hand.  I like to work with what I have on hand as much as possible, that's just how I work.  After sprinkling the herbs, I'm then going to do the same with the rusty coffin nails.  I'm going to use 9, but you could use 13 if you wanted.  Now that all of the items are in the box, I'm going to take one last moment to yell at it one final time.  "Now 'John Doe' you are set and bound according to my will!  Don't you even think about bringing any harm to me or my family, and if you do it will be returned right back to you!"  I say this with such force to make sure this monkey knows I mean business!  Immediately I force that box closed, and with the second piece of black cord that has been anointed with commanding oil I bind that box so it cannot be opened.  As I'm binding it, my adrenaline is flowing in the same manner as if an intruder broke into my house and was going to harm my family.  I'm defending myself and my family now and I mean business!  Once the box is completed I take it away from my property and I bury it in the earth.  Walking away, it's no longer in my hands.  I don't look back.  It is done.

Okay now back from "make believe" land.... the scenario I gave was an intense working for an intense situation.  Every situation may not require extreme action like this.  But this is where discretion and knowing your situation is important.  I do hope this is helpful or at least inspiring to you, dear reader.  Until next blessed!

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Witch Comes Out at Night

Standing at the threshold of the wooded land before me. An eeriness comes over me. While I've visited these woods many times, and have established a relationship with the land spirits that call it home, there is such quiet in the night air. It feels darker than usual and full of mystery. After contemplating my purpose and making myself known at the threshold, as is my custom; I step into the woods and leave the mundane world behind me. I carry no wand nor stang. In my left hand I hold my stroking stone and in my right, a string of twine. 
As I journey into the wood, I began chanting my incantations, calling the attention of my spirit allies. I cannot reach the circle of trees where I usually go, as the ground is still too wet from the early spring rains. Walking on, I reach another area where my spell will begin. I take a moment to look all around. Making myself aware of my environment, I hear only the shuffling of leaves and branches from a nearby raccoon scurrying away. 
I look up and admire the design of the intertwined tree branches against the night sky. 
Slowly I begin walking in a circular fashion, spitting out chants and conjuring a space in which to work my magick. Feeling myself pull into the earth, I feel as though I become one with the land below me. Continuing my motion, all the while stroking the stone in my left hand in a circular fashion. Focusing my intentions, I take the twine and begin the nine knot spell. I make the first knot, "By knot of one, my spells begun". Then the second, "By knot of two, it cometh true". So on I go, until I have my nine knots, all holding my will and desire.  Bringing the rite to a close and thanking my allies, I then take my twine and carefully wrap it on the branch of a nearby tree. I decide to leave it here so that it can do it's work. Taking careful note of where I am, I will go back and remove the twine on the third day of the full moon, and replace it with offerings. 
I make my way out of the woods and venture back to the mundane world. Leaving behind the world of the witch. The place of secret and mystery. Until next time, when I shall come bearing gifts of barley, and honey, and libations. 

Blessed be.