Monday, July 22, 2013

Hermes candles

I took the day off work today and had the house to myself. So I used this opportunity, which just happened to be on a day of the full moon, to do some crafting....candle crafting that is. I had decided to make what I wanted to call "Hermes candles" as a way to open gates to the Upperworld and Underworld.  Working with herbs that would help connect to spirits and connect to Hermes as a gatekeeper and messenger between the three planes of the world tree. I chose to work with three herbs....Mullein, Wormwood, and Yarrow. 

I began working each individual herb in the mortar and pestle. As I pressed the pestle into the herbs, I asked the spirit of each herb to be present; and to ignite the properties that I needed present for my intentions. I thanked the herb for its help with my workings. 

Once each herb was ground individually, I blended the three together. I believe this is an important step in the enchantment process. As I blended with my hand, I was enchanting the herbs with my intention; speaking my desires to them and believing it to be so. 

Setting the herbs to the side, I prep my containers for the finished product. I chose these nice black cups because they would go nice with the black color of the wax I chose. Plus, they just looked really cool. 

Once the black wax was melted over the stove, I stirred in my herbs. Stirring in a sunwise fashion...still focusing my intention and asking Hermes to bless my working. 

Once I felt the herbs "cooked" long enough and the candles were ready to be poured, I carefully divided the wax into the cups. I removed some of the excess herbs, but let most of the herbs go right into the candles. And then I just watched and waited.  

After the wax hardened, I was pleased with how the candles turned out. The top wasn't really smooth, but it gave it sort of a bubbly, witchy brew look to it. 

I can't wait to use this now and incorporate it into a ritual. But I'm going to wait and use this in the dark moon. Until then, it's going to look great on an altar. I believe I will keep only one. The others may be reserved as birthday gifts for my bewitching friends. 

Until next time...blessed be and happy crafting!

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